A descriptive essay on the beach

A descriptive essay on the beach

a descriptive essay on the beach

 · Descriptive Essay About the Beach. On a hot summer day, the only good place to go is to the lake. You would go out to the lake to enjoy the water, the sun, the activities that are happening, or just to be with family and friends. When you're at the lake, there are some very distinct smells  · Outline of Descriptive writing about the beach – Miami. Introduction. Thesis: The beach is one of the best places for entertainment and fun for adventurous people. Body. Paragraph 1: The most remarkable beach is the Miami Beach.. In the spring break of March, I visited the Miami Beach, and I was blown away by the salty and floating breeze of its blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Descriptive Essay: A Day Beach On A Sunny Day. Words3 Pages. Day Beach -. The beach on a sunny day is a sight to behold. Blazing sun casts its blaring rays on the smooth but weathered rocks by the seaside. Sea charges onto the rocks rattling the tiny pebbles, and nudging them along like a gust of wind. Soft seaweed bathes in pale blue sea waters, rocking back and forth along with the everlasting

Descriptive A Visit To The Beach: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Descriptive Essay The Beach: A Relaxing Wonderland It is spring break, in the middle of March, my junior year. As I cross the state line into Florida, I picture the ocean as being a place of peace and serenity. As I arrive to the beach with all my friends, the eagerness of seeing a descriptive essay on the beach peaceful place is rising. As we approach the beach, the first thing I notice is the sky.

As I look into the cloudless, cerulean blue sky and see the flawlessness of life; in the distance, rolling clear-blue waves crash into each other with such force as that of football players. The sky is breathtaking along with the sounds of the waves and the tide washing onto the shore. The water reminds me of crystals shimmering in the water with the sun reflecting off of it. As the sun sets, the sky turns into a descriptive essay on the beach pink hue with a bright orange sun going down into the horizon.

We stroll on the beach, a descriptive essay on the beach, and my feet sink into the soft sand. I stroll along, and the grainy, slick, brown sugar sand pulls my bare feet under and leaves a perfect imprint. I pick up a handful and sift it from my palm slowly, feeling the grittiness of sand with each finger. The view down the beach of the white, but slightly brown sand was enough to make my knees go weak. The sand is such a sensational feeling between my toes and a beautiful view against the crystal blue water.

The beach is a beautiful scene of peace and tranquility. Every moment is a different scene. The waves crash into one another, the breeze blowing from the tide, the smell of salty ocean, and the sticky air clinging onto my skin. Charging into the ocean with vigorous splendor and utter excitement, I insert my bare feet into the sea and am taken aback by the shocking coolness of the water. Bringing myself to a halt at mid-calf, I then trudge through the soft currents that splash upon my legs.

An abundance of symbiotic, vibrantly olored, and variously sized fish swarm around my feet. Their bodies brush my leg with negligence as they strive to get from one place to another. I wish to stay here forever and realize, at this point, this is where I need to come for serenity and harmony, where all things seem perfect and care free. There is nowhere in the world quite like this, so peaceful and calm.

The beach is a wonderland for all ages. Whether you want to have fun in the sun, or relax while reading a good book, the beach is the place to go.

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Describing a scene- Beach

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My Visit to a Beach: A Descriptive Essay Free Essay Sample

a descriptive essay on the beach

Descriptive Essay: The Beach. words 3 page (s) One of my earliest memories was when I went to the beach with my parents for the first time. My first impression was how crystal clear the water looked, as it was reflecting sunlight Essays Related to Descriptive Essay - At The Beach. 1. Descriptive Essay. My neighborhood is composed of the towns of Shirley, Mastic and Mastic Beach. Some outsiders consider my town, Shirley, Mastic and Mastic Beach pretty bad. At the southern end of William Floyd parkway is Smith Point beach which hosts many activities such as nature walks, camping, swimming and dining  · Words 4 Pages. Descriptive Essay On Beach Analysis. It is summer time, in the middle of June. The smell of the salty air, cool breeze of the gulf coast is enough to make my heart flutter. As I look out into the beautiful clear blue sky, I see it filled with kites of many colors, shapes and sizes

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