Victorian age essay

Victorian age essay

victorian age essay

10/5/ · The Victorian Age (the nineteenth century) saw the rise of a large working class, where women, men, and children are spent long hours in employment in substandard conditions. Working conditions were poor, and physical mistreatment was common, as were long hours, unhealthy conditions, and poor wages 27/12/ · Essay on Literature During the Victorian Age of Great Britain Literature During the Victorian Age of Great Britain Victorian literature is the literature produced during the reign of Queen Victoria (– - the Victorian era, her reign, the longest in English history). It forms a link and transition between the writers of the romantic 3 essay samples found History: the Victorian Era The Victorian era takes place during the reign of Queen Victoria. Looking up to her majesty and her morals, the British population at the time was greatly concerned with the expectancy to adhere to her personality traits

Victorian Age Essay - Words

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. The Victorian era of British history was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June until her death on 22 January It was a long period of peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confidence for Britain.

Some scholars date the beginning of the period in terms of sensibilities and political concerns to the passage of the Reform Act The era was preceded by the Georgian period and followed by the Edwardian period. The victorian age essay half of the Victorian age roughly coincided with the first portion of the Belle Époque era of continental Europe and the Gilded Age of the United States, victorian age essay.

Culturally there was a transition away from the rationalism of the Georgian period and toward romanticism and mysticism with regard to religion, social values, and the arts. In international relations the era was a long period of peace, victorian age essay, known as the Pax Britannica, and economic, colonial, and industrial consolidation, temporarily disrupted by the Crimean War in The end of the period saw the Boer War.

Domestically, the agenda was increasingly liberal with a number of shifts in the direction of gradual political reform, industrial reform and the widening of the voting franchise, victorian age essay. Two especially important figures in this period of British history are the prime ministers Gladstone and Disraeli, whose contrasting views changed the course of history.

Disraeli, favoured by the The Victorian Era During the Victorian Erasocial classes of England were newly reforming, and fomenting. There was a churning upheaval of the old hierarchical order, and the middle classes were steadily growing. Added to that, victorian age essay, the upper classes' composition was changing from simply hereditary aristocracy to a combination of nobility and an emerging wealthy commercial class. The definition of what made someone a gentleman or a lady was, therefore, changing at what some thought was an alarming rate.

By the end of the century, it was common that a gentleman was someone who had a liberal public private school education, no matter what his antecedents might be. There continued to be a large and generally disgruntled working class, victorian age essay, wanting and slowly getting reform and change.

Conditions of the working class were still bad, victorian age essay, though, through the century, three reform bills gradually gave the vote to most males over the age of twenty-one. Contrasting to that was the horrible reality of child labor which persisted throughout the period, victorian age essay. When a bill was passed stipulating that children under nine could not work in the textile industry, this in no way applied to other industries, nor did it in any way curb rampant teenaged prostitution.

The Victorian Era was also a time of tremendous scientific progress and ideas. Darwin took his Voyage of the Beagle, and posited the Theory of The Victorian erafrom the coronation of Queen Victoria in until her death inwas an era of several unsettling social developments that forced writers more than ever before to take victorian age essay on the immediate issues animating the rest victorian age essay society.

Thus, although romantic forms of expression in poetry and prose continued to dominate English literature throughout much of the century, the attention of many writers was directed, sometimes passionately, to such issues as the growth of English democracy, the education of the masses, the progress of industrial enterprise and the consequent rise of a materialistic philosophy, and the plight of the newly industrialized worker.

In addition, victorian age essay, the unsettling of religious belief by new advances in science, particularly the theory of evolution and the historical study of the Bible, drew other writers away from the immemorial subjects of literature into considerations of problems of faith and truth. The clarity and balance of Macaulay's style, which reflects his practical familiarity with parliamentary debate, stands in contrast to the sensitivity and beauty of the prose of John Henry As a matter of expediency, these dates are sometimes modified slightly.

This perception is as most periodic generalizations are not universally accurate, and it is thus a grievous error to jump to the conclusion that a writer or artist fits that description merely because he or she wrote during the mid to late 19th century. However, it is also victorian age essay that this description applies to some large segments of Victorian English society, particularly amongst the middle-class, which at the time was increasing both in number and power.

Another important aspect of this period is the large-scale expansion of British imperial power. Bythe A great number of people were habitual church-goers, at least once and probably twice, every Sunday. The Bible was frequently The Industrial Revolution in Victorian England was a period of time victorian age essay history when new inventions and technology changed the way people lived victorian age essay worked.

It impacted how they communicated, the way products were manufactured, and created new forms of cheaper and faster transportation. Innovations resulted in changes that were previously unheard of. The invention of the steam engine revolutionized the way people and things were transported. Manufacturers were able to ship their goods more quickly by rail and reduce their expenses.

Railroads allowed people to travel faster and farther than in the past. The Industrial Revolution created new sources of employment, with mills and factories attracting labor from farms to cities Victorian Web.

Manufacturing created new jobs but also contributed to the pollution and overcrowding in cities where factories were located. The development of Morse Code by Samuel Morse inallowed soldiers to send messages more quickly, and revise their battle plans based on this communication. The invention of the typewriter changed how people were educated. Textbooks became available to more students, and professors were now able to produce their own written materials.

The steam engine led to new factories being built with improved manufacturing processes. Pasteurization killed bacteria and made food safer. Inventions played a major role in the development of Victorian Victorian Era The Victorian era was one of good and bad where empires fell and rose as senseless wars were fought, people dominated, and advancements of culture and technology were made throughout.

The Victorian era is called the Victorian era because England was currently being ruled over by Queen Victoria, victorian age essay. The British Empire reached its greatest size under her reign, victorian age essay.

The greatest country she conquered was India, it was known as the jewel of the British Empire because it brought England so many natural resources, and effects of Victorian rule can still be seen today. Many other countries were colonized including Australia and other African countries, this spurred much racial hatred among England and its colonies and eventually led to the demise of the empire as wars broke out and independence was victorian age essay, although this was not always the best path for some countries.

During the Victorian era countries reached their greatest peaks because of England but they also fell in their fight against the empire to gain freedom. Queen Victoria was proclaimed empress of India and ruled over successfully throughout her reign. Queen Victoria also dealt with many rebellions throughout her time. India was seized because of the rebellion of Indian soldiers in the army as they Poverty in the Victorian Era. Child Labour During the Industrial Revolution, children as young as four were employed in production factories with dangerous, and often fatal, working conditions.

Based on this understanding of the use of children as laborers, it is now considered by wealthy countries to be a human rights violation, and is outlawed, while some poorer countries may allow or tolerate child labour, victorian age essay. Child labour can also be defined as the full-time employment of children who are under a minimum legal age.

The Victorian era became notorious for employing young children in factories and mines and as chimney sweeps. Child labour played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset, often brought about by economic hardship; Charles Dickens for example worked at the age of 12 in a blacking factory, with his family in debtor's victorian age essay. In England and Scotland intwo-thirds of the workers in water-powered cotton mills were described as children,]In 19th-century Great Britain, one-third of poor families were without a breadwinner, as a result of death or abandoning of them.

Some boys who were not even able victorian age essay get into the industries they would have had to start work on the street. Children also worked as Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays The Victorian Era in England. The Victorian Era in England Topics: Victorian eraVictoria of the United Kingdomvictorian age essay, British Empire Pages: 4 words Published: April 8, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document, victorian age essay.

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Literature in the Victorian Era - A Historical Overview

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Victorian Era Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

victorian age essay

10/5/ · The Victorian Age (the nineteenth century) saw the rise of a large working class, where women, men, and children are spent long hours in employment in substandard conditions. Working conditions were poor, and physical mistreatment was common, as were long hours, unhealthy conditions, and poor wages Essay on Victorian Age. Words6 Pages. The Year was very significant. It was not only the year that. Queen Victoria acceded the throne, but also the year that a new literary age was coined. The Victorian Age, more formally known, was a time of great prosperity in Great Britain's literature. The Victorian Age produced a variety of changes 3 essay samples found History: the Victorian Era The Victorian era takes place during the reign of Queen Victoria. Looking up to her majesty and her morals, the British population at the time was greatly concerned with the expectancy to adhere to her personality traits

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