Gmo essay

Gmo essay

gmo essay

Essay On Gmo. Genetically Modified Foods Genetically Modified Foods is what the future of this world will look like. Many people are not well informed about the beneficial facts GMOs can bring to our health, the farming environments, and world hunger According to WHO (World Health Organisation), ‘Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.’ The Issue Of Genetically Modified Organisms Essay Words | 5 Pages. Genetically Modified Organisms, also known as GMOs, is one of the major issues arising in our economy today. GMOs are distinctive organisms in which the genetic material has been altered to improve productivity and the quality of the product

GMO Argumentative Essay Examples - Free Persuasive Essays and Research Papers About GMO Foods

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Topic: BusinessGMO FoodHealthgmo essay, EnvironmentProductsgmo essay, GeneticsFoodWorld. Genetically Modified Organisms is referred for plants that are manufactured through linking and altering genes. DNA of separate species are altered and amalgamated into laboratory in order to create new organisms through Biotechnological procedures.

Eating such products is safe or not is a widely debated issue across the world. a number of people consider these products are not safe and they should be avoided because they are not only a gmo essay to the human health but also are dangerous for animals, gmo essay, soil and environment.

This paper intends to discuss genetically modified organisms and further delves deep into to find out whether these products should be consumed or not. While eating our food we rarely think where it comes from and even when we think, we see an image of a farmer who plats seeds and produces crops.

This is how our traditional gmo essay system used to work and produced foods but the concept gmo essay been changed in the modern world and now seeds are being prepared in laboratories where DNA of different seeds are altered and new seeds are prepared.

At the beginning, it was said that by producing such products, we can improve the quality of food products. These genetically food products were said to bear more nutritional values and higher quality.

It was further said that genetically modified food products are safe from pests and can resist drought like situations. One more striking quality among several others, as claimed, was that genetically modified food products have capacity to resist and prevent more than a few diseases. A number of advantages of these Genetically Modified Organisms were mentioned but then it was observed that gmo essay products are threats to human health, animals and also for the soil as well as environment.

A number of people including some eminent doctors, scientists, sociologists have raised their voices against these products and keep reiterating that these products are neither safe nor are in the interest of anybody except the big business houses that are related and work in this sector. Genetically Modified Organisms are on target of people across the America and according to a gmo essay conducted by CBS news almost 90 percent Americans including eminent politicians and doctors prefer to see labels on products that discloses whether product is genetically modified or not.

In a number of countries, gmo essay, genetically modified foods are required to have labels that inform about the same and in countries of European Union such requirements are made mandatory and followed since nineties. A large number of Americans also hesitate from buying gmo essay products that are genetically modified though it has been found that avoiding such products in not that easy for consumers.

In United States of America, labels of all products rarely disclose whether they are genetically modified or not, gmo essay. Currently the legislation, that makes labeling of genetically modified food products compulsory, is pending and not going to be implemented across the United States of America. Genetically modified food products are a threat to humans as well as for the whole biodiversity system which further results in harming the environment.

These products affect the biodiversity, gmo essay. These products create super bugs because these plants are designed in a way to kill small bugs, gmo essay.

These plants kill small bugs but the bugs that survive develop a resistance power and they become super bugs. Genetically modified products are tool of business houses to make money. An individual or a farmer is not allowed to harvest these seeds and if somebody does it even accidentally, gmo essay, company reserves the right to sue that person.

In cases, where the crop is ruined, people lose money because these seeds are costlier and one has to purchase these seeds every year while farming. Genetically seeds and plants also affect the soil as well as the environment because their genes are altered and they affect other plants also as and when they come into contact with them Ferry and Gatehouse, Genetically modified food products have been found affecting the human health also.

It has been observed in a number of cases that people especially gmo essay suffered from several allergic problems after they started consuming genetically modified food products. These allergic problems were different from other allergic issues and they were found having more grave effects than the traditional ones Dona and Arvanitoyannis, Companies like Aventis and Monsanto have been aggressively and recklessly marketing their products, gmo essay over each other to get to the patent office so they can maximize their profits.

That means they've ignored critical safety and environmental tests that should have been run. People, those favor GM gmo essay, argue that these products can solve the problems like starvation that is a common problem in Asian and African regions.

It has been observed that genetically modified plats have the capacity to produce more food grains. This quality can be utilized to counter situations like starvation in regions where poverty is a big issue and everybody can not afford food.

Genetically modified food gmo essay certainly damage biodiversity but it has various advantages that can not be ignored. Genetically engineered plants have capacity to fight with pest and other wild herbs hence do not require any kind of pesticides.

Presently food that is not genetically modified is created by using excessive harmful chemicals. These chemicals and pesticides are not good for gmo essay health. It can damage the proper functioning of body and may cause several serious illnesses. Farmers who spend majority of their time in their field get impacted by harmful chemicals that they use to protect their corps from pests.

They directly get into contact with such chemicals while applying them in their fields. Every year lot gmo essay farmers faces serious illnesses such as cancer, skin deceases and respiratory gmo essay due to harmful chemicals that they apply in gmo essay fields. Genetically engineered food does not require application of any type of chemicals thus protect farmers and consumers from serious gmo essay cause due to pesticides, gmo essay.

Genetically engineered food helps in protecting soil and water from pesticides. Pesticides that farmers apply in their field go into the soil further pollute water. Genetically modified seeds gmo essay in protecting environment by saving it from pesticides.

Presently as population is growing and farming practices are decreasing due to conversion of farming land into industries or houses. It is essential to increase the production in order to fulfill the food needs of all people. Organic food could be a solution for all problems associated with pesticides and problems associated with genetically modified food, gmo essay.

However it may decrease the production significantly and it would not be possible to fulfill all needs of people living across the world.

Genetically modified food is a solution for developing countries that have huge population but not that much of land. Genetically modified seeds are good and increase production, gmo essay.

In such countries people do not have enough money to buy expensive organic food. They have limited resources hence genetically modified food is the best way to fill the stomach of poor people and farmer also. Gmo essay genetically modified food products are consumed by a large number of people across the world. Those who support these products are in agreement with the advantages that are commonly told about these genetically modified food products. People say that when world is facing a number of food related problems, it is difficult to talk and rely upon traditional system of food production.

The advocates of genetically modified argue that these products are quite safe and can be produced in regions where there are several odds like drought as well as flood situation. This is now an established fact that we are living in the era of genetically modified organisms.

These products are reality of today and it is not possible to ignore their existence, utility and dominance, gmo essay. If there are people who criticize these food products, gmo essay, there are a number of other people who advocate in favor of these food products.

People who oppose and people who argue, both gmo essay their logic and reasons to adhere by their arguments and none of them can be denied completely Feliciaand Butz, Countries like Canada are happy with genetically modified food products and even people do not bother to see any labeling of food GM food products. in several other parts of the world, genetically modified products are not any issue and they are considered as good as other products but it does not minimize the concerns of people that are raised about their effects on human health and environment.

Instead of indulging into any fight what is required is to do more research work on genetically modified food products and minimize their alleged risks that these products cause to human health.

In order to reduce any health risks that are related to these products, it is required to make them friendlier to human health. These products gmo essay help in many ways and the demand of time is to these products because no food is completely safe on this earth.

There are pros and cons of every food, gmo essay. Some may argue in favor of organic food but is it possible to provide organic food to people at large scale.

Organic food can not be provided to everybody as it is costlier and the productivity is very less in compare to genetically modified food products, gmo essay.

Organic food is not the solution and it can not fulfill the gmo essay demands gmo essay people in coming years. Organic food may be luxury for some but it is not the option of genetically modified food Along with research, some other aspects should also be taken into cognizance that is related to economic, gmo essay, environmental and health related issues.

These products, gmo essay, in their current form are not very cheap and they should be provided at cheaper cost to people. After having observed the detailed gmo essay of the above mentioned subject, it can be concluded that genetically modified organisms have some concerns but it is not possible to discard these products completely.

Threats that are described are not proved at major level and it cannot be presumed on the basis of imaginations that these products can be dangerous for humans, biodiversity or the environment. It is wise to use these products with some precautions in order to avoid any untoward situation. Some more research should be done in order to make these food products completely safe. If there are concerns, gmo essay, they should be gmo essay accordingly.

All the concerns related to these products should be looked into and solved satisfactorily. Labeling on genetically gmo essay products must be made mandatory in order to make consumers aware about them. Consumers should know what they are going to consume. Bohlen, L. Harvest gmo essay Fear. Retrieved November 26,from www.

html Dona, A. and Arvanitoyannis, I. Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Gmo essay 49 2 Felicia Wu, and W. The Future of Genetically Modified Crops: Lessons from the Green Revolution. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation. Ferry and A. Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops.

Cambridge, MA: CABI. Schiffman, R.

The real problem with GMO Food

, time: 11:58

Genetically Modified Organisms Argumentative Essays | WOW Essays

gmo essay

According to WHO (World Health Organisation), ‘Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.’ Essay On Genetically Modified Foods. The Impacts of Modified Foods Genetically modified foods have an impact on everyone including animals. Anyone that is concerned with genetically modified foods shouldn’t worry. It mostly impacts humans in both good and bad ways, but mostly in a positive way Feb 22,  · Introduction Genetically Modified Organisms is referred for plants that are manufactured through linking and altering genes. DNA of separate species are altered and amalgamated into laboratory in order to create new organisms through Biotechnological blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins

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