Essay on microsoft office

Essay on microsoft office

essay on microsoft office

21/10/ · Microsoft Office is the world’s greatest and famous work program for studying, personal use, and office work. Microsoft Office includes Access, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, Publisher and Word. It’s used to create, view, edit, save and print documents. One of the most popular tools is the spell checker. In Computer Applications I have learned how to use each Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins 16/6/ · This essay on The Microsoft Office Suite Software’s Components was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly Appreciation of Microsoft Office Essay APPRECIATION OF THE MICROSOFT OFFICE Introduction In the early productions of the Microsoft Office applications, users utilized a scheme of toolbars, menus, and task panes to get their work completed

The Microsoft Office Suite Software's Components - Words | Essay Example

My computer has pre-installed Microsoft Office Suite software. This software has a series of interrelated applications that perform different functions. I can create and type new documents in the Word component and do complex calculations in Excel. This reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the components of the Microsoft Office Suite software on my computer.

Besides, the paper predicts the least and most difficult component of the Microsoft Office Suite software, essay on microsoft office. The first component is the Microsoft Access which is an application that enables a user to manage the computer database and store different data. The second component is Excel, which is a complex spreadsheet application that enables a user to calculate, draw graphs, create tables, and insert mathematical symbols within the rows and columns in an organized manner.

Besides, this application can show data as a chart, graph, and histogram in two and three-dimension. In addition, Excel application can analyze data on its own using the internal update schedule function. This application has a multi-user unit that enables a user to share personal information with other users. The fifth component is Microsoft Outlook, which enables a user to manage personal information. This application has a contact manager, calendar, and personal task manager. The user is in a position to share his or her personal information with other trusted users.

This application may also be used online alongside Skype to improve the audio and visual functions in a computer. The sixth component is Microsoft PowerPoint. This application enables a user to prepare a slide show for later presentation.

The user can create a series of foils slides and fit in graphics, text, essay on microsoft office, essay on microsoft office, and sounds. The application may serve the same purpose as webcasts Pinard, The seventh component is Microsoft Publisher, which is an application that enables the user to design the desired page layout for different documents.

The Microsoft Publisher application is a creativity tool for users who want a unique layout design for their documents.

The second last component of the Microsoft Office Suite is the Microsoft Word. This application enables a user to create a word document on his or her computer. The Microsoft Word application has file formats such as doc and Docx.

The user can type, copy, edit, and paste words from other documents into the Microsoft Word application to create a new document. The last application in the Microsoft Office Suite is the Microsoft MapMaker. This application enables a user to create and edit maps to suit his or her personal needs.

This application is easy to use Habraken, The least difficult component of the Microsoft Office Suite is the Microsoft Word. This application has direct and easy to read instructions, thus making it user-friendly. On the other hand, the most difficult component of the Microsoft Office Suite essay on microsoft office Excel.

This component essay on microsoft office a essay on microsoft office complex user guide and requires continuous training to master its numerous functions. For instance, drawing a table or histogram requires proper knowledge of statistics, which I am not conversant with Pinard, Pinard, K, essay on microsoft office.

CMPTR 1 st ed. Boston, essay on microsoft office, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Story, L. Microsoft Office certification prep. Alabama, Al: Cengage Learning. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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Creating a Table of Contents in Microsoft Word

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essay on microsoft office

9/2/ · Microsoft Word, or Word as it is commonly known, is a software application that allows you (the user) to perform word processing. You may use Word to create documents such as letters, invitations, term papers, flyers, resumes, novels, and much more! Microsoft Word is a proprietary word processor designed by Microsoft Microsoft Office is an office suite of interrelated desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Macintosh OS X operating systems, introduced by Microsoft in Initially a marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint 21/10/ · Microsoft Office is the world’s greatest and famous work program for studying, personal use, and office work. Microsoft Office includes Access, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, Publisher and Word. It’s used to create, view, edit, save and print documents. One of the most popular tools is the spell checker. In Computer Applications I have learned how to use each Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

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