Does the end justify the means essay

Does the end justify the means essay

does the end justify the means essay

But as young kids, we learned that the “end doesn’t justify the means.” In other words, a positive outcome isn’t a good thing if the methods used were dishonest or harmful to others. If a team won a big game, but used dishonest means such as deflating the balls, the outcome itself is blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 2/3/ · Topic: The end justifies the means. The end does not justify the means. We are only justified when the means that we use to reach our goals are just as good as the end result. Some examples of this are murdering your father in order to acclaim the throne, the faults behind the 9/11 attack, and cheating on a test in order to get a good blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins The question whether the end justifies the means depends on the type of goal or end a person wants to achieve and the means they use. If both the means and the ends are equally noble and good, there is no question because the ends are justified by the means. This is the stand I have chosen to take

The End Doesn't Justify The Means - Free Essay Example | EduZaurus

Human nature is naturally focused on outcomes. We can deal with a difficult, sad story if it has a happy ending. Conflict that is effectively resolved, or peace that has been accomplished, often has a way of overshadowing some really challenging times. If a team won a big game, but used dishonest means such as deflating the balls, the outcome itself is tarnished.

If people gave gifts to the underprivileged, but stole these gifts from others, does the end justify the means essay, stealing would undermine the charitable act. The Marxists coined this phrase, and ultimately, the underlying message is that only one thing matters more than outcome, does the end justify the means essay, and that is how we got there.

This includes the does the end justify the means essay and processes we used to accomplish what we did. Although society has a way of still rewarding and idolizing those who succeed despite downright despicable means, the saying itself still rings true, and reinforcing good means versus preferred outcomes does pay off.

For example, studies indicate that when we praise effort over performance in the classroom, students end up actually doing better academically and psychologically. On the other hand, cheating or avoiding hard classes might keep your performance up in class, but using these means never justifies the end result. Yet as often occurs, one principle can suggest a related one. By means, does the end justify the means essay, I am not just talking about the behavioural methods by which something is accomplished, but also the underlying purpose that is undertaken.

On the surface, this might seem like a noble, wise route to take, but for most people and circumstances, this strategy backfires because people become more bitter, disengaged, and ultimately unable to effectively resolve an issue that is central to their well-being and that of their relationship. So, although it is difficult and can often increase conflict and uneasiness in the short-term, addressing the conflict respectfully, transparently, and empathetically, the means to improve the well-being of the individuals and relationship involved, the purpose is often the key to resolving a conflict, the end.

In saying all this, what we are ultimately trying embrace ourselves with are the virtues of courage and altruism, unselfishness. Both often require the spirit of one to enable the other, but they also entail a deep abiding pursuit of what is honest, true, and good. Sometimes this pursuit leads to what are seemingly negative and uncomfortable outcomes, and so it is easy to be tempted to take a different course.

I remember standing by as classmates teased and bullied a younger peer; I did nothing because I was afraid of how it might affect my own social life. This essay has been submitted by a student.

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Do The Ends Justify The Means

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Does the End Justify the Means? Essay - Words

does the end justify the means essay

But as young kids, we learned that the “end doesn’t justify the means.” In other words, a positive outcome isn’t a good thing if the methods used were dishonest or harmful to others. If a team won a big game, but used dishonest means such as deflating the balls, the outcome itself is blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins 26/8/ · The misuse of the phrase “the end justifies the means” contradicts Machiavelli’s main point – that a prince ought to think about future events and prepare for potential problems. If a person really thinks in a Machiavellian perspective, he or she would use necessary means to achieve an end to avoid future complications (Machiavelli, The Prince Ch. 14) 12/3/ · Nonetheless, in as much as there are numerous views regarding the meaning of “the end justifies the mean” doctrine, am in agreement with the belief that end and the means adopted should be noble. However, people misuse the phrase in trying to justify their own goals notwithstanding of the immoral means used in achieving them (Robertson, )

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