Descriptive essays on a person

Descriptive essays on a person

descriptive essays on a person

5/5/ · Descriptive Essay about a Person A descriptive essay reveals the meaning of a subject through detailed, sensory observation. Sensory details are details of smell, taste, texture, sound, and sight. Sample of a Descriptive Essay About a Person I Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins 19/5/ · Come to think of it, she looked worried The main goal of the description essay is to describe something, be it a person, a situation or just something you want to tell people descriptive essays you get will be more complex.A descriptive essay is an essay in which you describe a single event or subject using sensory details such as sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste Descriptive 26/3/ · Descriptive Person Essay Ridiculous, pragmatic, stubborn, adaptable, crazy, serious – that’s my best friend, Logan Herlihy. Her contradicting personality perfectly complements itself. She is loved by everyone: kids, peers, adults, elderly

Writing Descriptive Essays About A Person, with Example, Outline | EliteEssayWriters

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. We'd just landed in Iceland, and already we were silenced by the landscape. Since we met during at a gathering at an old friends' house, Josh and I had dreamed to traveled extensively through the world together, from the canals of Venice and Amsterdam to the mountains of Austria and Italy, but Iceland was our main place of excitement to visit.

The surrounding lava field resembled something you would descriptive essays on a person see you in your wildest dreams, descriptive essays on a person, with huge moss-covered rocks haphazardly compiled on the ground, and funnels of steam rising to meet low-lying gray clouds in the distance. It was a formidable and alien landscape with no trees, no grass and no shrubs. We'd heard that Iceland was nothing like the other landscapes God has provided for us, and now we could see why.

With the suspiciously simple verbal directions given by the rental car clerk, descriptive essays on a person, "Just follow the road to Reykjavik. Despite the barren landscape of volcanic rock that welcomed us, we were already warming to Iceland. Iceland has the reputation of being a remote country, but it's actually North America's closest European neighbor, located relatively halfway between the U. and the U. There are many misconceptions about Iceland, and surely the name of the country doesn't help any.

Far from going on. My grandma was just watching disappointed in how the night had ended. We didn't get home until about 3 in the morning, everybody all worn out and ready to sleep. The next morning, once everyone had washed out all the pepper spray from their eyes and everyone was sobered up, the first thing my family did was bail my uncle out. We then headed to my grandma's house for leftovers from the night before, descriptive essays on a person.

We all gathered in her tiny home; little children scattered in front of the TV, the grownups at one table, and the rest of us, who were neither kids anymore nor adults yet, sat at a smaller table. We complimented my grandma on her rice and my aunt on her beans then went on to talk about how crazy the nigh had gone. Everyone looked around at my uncle who tried to recall the night before.

Descriptive essays on a person I know is I was drunk out of my mind! I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not because afterwards everyone just stared laughing. We spent the whole day eating, drinking, and listening to my each other's crazy stories of other fights that didn't end so well either. At that moment I looked around at how everyone was laughing and care free, not worrying about the night before.

I realized that even though many Her contradicting personality perfectly complements itself. She is loved by everyone: kids, peers, adults, elderly. She is the type that will play patty-cake with a 3 year old for hours, and descriptive essays on a person to a door to hold it for an elderly person or someone with a handicap.

She will always be there to lend a helping hand to anyone and everyone. Her room, a small room which she shares with her sister, of a small house, is lined with many trophies and ribbons. Logan is no mediocre athlete; she is constantly working to excel. She practices every day, whether it be on her personal free time or at formal practice.

She has a passion, a love, for what she does. She is a state champion swimmer and a national competitor in mixed martial arts MMA. To her fellow athletes, she is an inspiration. She is outstanding, but she never claims to be the best; she is admirably humble.

She is selfless and descriptive essays on a person to all her teammates no matter what their skill level. If they are of higher skill than her, she will ask for advice and she will still be there on the My team and I were ecstatic because we were going to the quarterfinals! Our quarterfinal game came surprisingly quick. We had a win, we were thrilled to have that amazing victory, and even more thrilled about going to the semifinals the next week.

When semifinals came about we were as nervous as nervous could be. But we knew that we would be able to win the game. With hard work and persistence we ended the game with a win. Our hearts were filled with joy. We were going to the finals! Oh my! This came flooding my mind.

But we have exactly one week to prepare ourselves for this. We need to work as hard as we possibly can during practice. At practice we pushed ourselves harder and harder each night to reach our goal of perfection. Knowing I had a lot of pressure on my shoulders made it even worse.

We all were so nervous. We all had butterflies and knots in our stomachs. I could hear my heart ringing in my ears. It sounded like a very loud instrumental song played out loud. The adrenaline pumped through my veins. My heart was beating so loud and fast, descriptive essays on a person. There was the ball, held in the referee's hands, about to be thrown up into the air.

I stood a few feet behind the boy on the opposite team, poised and ready to catch the ball when my teammate smacked it toward me. Oh, I was so nervous.

Suddenly the basketball hit my stomach with incredible force. It bounced off and rolled away on the floor to be picked up by the opposite team. The game had begun, and I had already dropped the ball. I hadn't even seen it flying toward me when I was looking straight at it. I stood there, shocked, as the other team scored the first points of the game, not even seeing what descriptive essays on a person going on.

How could I have missed the ball? What are you doing? Get out here and play! I glanced around, embarrassed, at the scoreboard. Two to zero -- we were losing at our last home game. As I scanned the gym to find the ball, I saw two of the boys, John and Brandon from the other team snickering in the corner as they watched my bewildered face. They always took pleasure in making everyone within sight as frustrated and jealous as possible. I could tell I was in for a long game.

Our coach called a time-out. He took me out of the game for a "little while" so we could "save my energy for when we really need it. them up.

New York City is basically a crowded and small city. With a population of almost eight million residents, it is actually a mystery how such a big population would fit in one city. During the day, the streets and the subways are filled with busy people, with the roads filled with cars and the continuous honking of vehicles. By night, descriptive essays on a person are accompanied by the millions of lights that illuminate the busy streets.

They call New York the city that never sleeps. Let me tell you something, this big city called "The Big Apple" is the capital of all the new fashions and trends. You can buy anything at anytime during the day or night because the shops never close. The smoke coming from Subway stations underneath the roads can get to your nostrils quicker than it can be seen.

It almost makes you feel like if you are a big giant walking along houses under your feet that have smoke coming out of their chimneys. At the same time the smell of hotdogs stands, Cory Hansen Van Alphen English 11 October Childhood When I was a baby, the world was a lot different. Everything was incredibly bright, descriptive essays on a person, or awfully dark, descriptive essays on a person. I was remarkably happy, or I was terribly scared.

I lived in a world of extremes. I was trapped on an elevator descriptive essays on a person soared to the top floor in an instant, descriptive essays on a person, and plummeted to the basement the next. Nothing, not one feeling, not one moment in time, lasted long enough for me to explore. Then, as I stood up for the first time, the elevator came to a halt and the shiny, metal door slid slowly open.

With a ding, I opened my eyes. What stood before me, framed in the elevator door, was a giant, majestic tree. As I took my first steps out of the elevator, the soothing carpet beneath my feet was replaced with short, prickly grass. The horizon was hazy and golden and the air was fresh and crisp.

As I approached the tree, the elevator door descriptive essays on a person violently behind me, and a loud bang echoed for an eternity before it vanished in a cloud of grey fog.

IELTS TOEFL Descriptive Essay (full sample 9 / 30)

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15+ Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person | Writer River

descriptive essays on a person

6/7/ · Describe the features of the person one by one, like: Appearance. How to start a descriptive essay about a person? Clothes make the man! So, it should be the first part of Manners. After that, you can describe the most typical acts and behaves of this man or woman. If you decided to consider Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Descriptive essays are the best option when it comes to describing and writing about a person. A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person 21/1/ · The main goal of the description essay is to describe something, be it a person, a situation or just something you want to tell people about. While writing this type of descriptive essay, you have to compose the text using your own experience and thoughts. No researches, no outer opinions, just your mind, and your blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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