Death of a salesman american dream essay

Death of a salesman american dream essay

death of a salesman american dream essay

 · Death of a Salesman is a striking commentary on the class struggle due to the exploitation of a lower social class by the higher ones, further accentuated with the American Dream used as bait. Death of a Salesman reflected the capitalist system in the s that fueled the American Dream as a perfect bait for the working class to feed on.4/5(48)  · As well as the crumbling of Willys American dream for Biff. The final message of Death of a Salesman is that a person's American dream is whatever one perceives it means be successful. Fear of displacement from that Biff not becoming successful defined by Willys expectations for him, and such fear can destroy one's American blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins  · Arthur Millers “Death of a Salesman” is considered to be a literary work of genius, transcending from and even today the morals and dreams of American life. True to this day, the “American Dream” is a concept that is sought after by men and women all over the world, depicting that the ideas and concepts that Arthur Miller had in the ’s are never changing

Death of a salesman on the American Dream -

The American dream is a gift and a curse. Many Americans want to obtain the American dream, but for most the price to pay for this dream will turn it into a nightmare. The American dream has different meanings for many people. For some people it may mean becoming wealthy, and for other it may mean living a productive life that benefits society.

The one thing that they both have in common is that the individual experiencing this is usually happy. In the play Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman is the embodiment of what can happen to a person when their American Dream turns into a nightmare. Willy is driven to suicide after failing in life. In this play, the readers are introduced to Willy, who is a salesman that despite his strong will to become wealthy cant seem to get a moment to rest. The life of Willy is ruled by failure and yet he still believed he had the ability to become wealthy.

In the end, His life turned into a nightmare instead of his dreams, which is the cause for him ending his life. In the play, Willy illustrates the average man in the working class, who wants to achieve his American dream. This made him get so attached to becoming wealthy, and his vision on how to reach the American dream.

This caused great turmoil to the people around him. The fatal flaw seen in Willy is also the fatal flaw of capitalism, which is greed. This will happen if capitalism is not controlled. Other flaws that was seen in the play that Willy shares with capitalism is his lack of serious thought, his jealousy, and his loss of integrity. Most Americans want to get wealthy fast and this caused the get rich quick schemes popularity to jump, but most people today realize that these schemes will likely not work.

An example of a get rich quick scheme is buying real estate and flipping houses to sell. Most people are not successful at this and may end up losing money instead.

Is that a criticism? Willy was confused that the fact of him asking Biff if he was making money got him mad. Willy believes that money decides whether someone is happy, so basically, he was wondering whether Biff was happy with his life. The way Willy holds on to his brother Ben shows the readers how important family and material wealth is to him. He wants to be wealthy so bad that he will lie about the amount of money he makes. Willy believed that simply working harder would make him wealthy.

His job represents this perfectly. As a salesman, the amount of money a person makes is based on the amount they sale and their performance, which essentially means that hard work will get a person more money. The big thing about the American dream is that a person needs to climb their way up, death of a salesman american dream essay.

As a salesman there is not death of a salesman american dream essay room to climb up. His rationale of wanting the American dream created his weaknesses, which were lack of thoughts, jealousy his loss of integrity.

and the role a manipulator. Tyson says, according to an existential model, social factors may largely establish our initial identity, but, as we shall see, they do not freeze us at that stage without our daily consent If Willy didnt get tunnel vision and accepted this notion, he would have realized that being wealthy is not the only way to live a happy life. Be liked and you will never want. Willy is saying that being liked will allow to get further in life.

In some instances, this is true because being liked will get a person the opportunity to get further in their career fields, but they still need characteristics of a good person like trustworthiness and respect. His son, Biff, was popular and liked in high school, but that did not equal success. His other son, Happy, did become successful and he was not as liked as much by people compared to his older brother.

Willy believed that being liked was more important than life. Ribkoff says, Driven by shame, he kills himself in order to preserve his dream of being? well liked and a successful father and salesman Willy believed that suicide would reserve likeability among others.

The irony in this is that Willy was never successful in anything including being a father and he was not liked by others. His relationship with his sons. Willy focused most of his attention to Biff and ignored his youngest son, Happy. He acted like a snob when he was playing a card game with Charley. Charley offers Willy a job, but Willy rejects because he thinks he is above Charley when he is not.

In the end, he realizes that Charley was his only real friend. His jealousy that stemmed from his relationship with his brother made the likelihood of dream turning into a nightmare increase. In the play, readers see Willy encouraging his own children to steal. This shows that he lacks morality. Striving for his dream of getting wealthy is the reason for him taking these drugs. His greed, jealousy, and shallowness are all causes that increase the amount of stress he deals with daily.

If Willy were to find his own happiness rather than what society believes happiness is he would not need to take anti-depressants. When people look at how the media affects what people think, it is easy to see that the media thinks death of a salesman american dream essay good guys will finish last. Hopefully, people will come to understand that achieving the American dream does not simply mean attaining. Achieving the American dream means to achieve happiness in life, which can be achieved through many ways.

In the play Death of a Salesman, death of a salesman american dream essay, Willy Loman has his dreams turned into a nightmare. This caused him to think that the only way out was death, so he committed suicide.

With Death of a Salesman, Miller paints the portrait of a man who is ultimately killed by the one thing that kept him going, which the possibility of obtaining his American Dream. American Dream In Death Of A Salesman. com, May 30, Accessed May 19, comMay We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service.

American Dream in Death of a Salesman. Did you like this example? Having doubts about how to write your paper correctly? Get started. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you, death of a salesman american dream essay. Email Death of a salesman american dream essay sample. Thank you! Get help with my paper. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. You can leave an email and we will send it to you.

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Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller - Summary \u0026 Analysis

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American Dream In Death Of A Salesman - Free Essay Example |

death of a salesman american dream essay

Published in , Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is a tragic commentary on the hollowness and futility of the American Dream. This paper will explore Willy’s obsession with achieving material wealth and prosperity and how his yearning for the American Dream ultimately caused him to deny reality and lead the breakup of his family  · Arthur Millers “Death of a Salesman” is considered to be a literary work of genius, transcending from and even today the morals and dreams of American life. True to this day, the “American Dream” is a concept that is sought after by men and women all over the world, depicting that the ideas and concepts that Arthur Miller had in the ’s are never changing  · Every aspect of Willy character is necessary for the organization and progression of the Death of a Salesman play. The theory and philosophy of all-American dream are heavily represented in the death of a salesman. In Willy perspective of accomplishment in life, every man has to be an influencer in any domain, famous and successful

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