Common sense essay

Common sense essay

common sense essay

Essay on Common Sense. Words5 Pages. One of the most fundamental people in the push for American Independence, Thomas Paine offers much advice in both Common Sense, and The Crisis. Paine offers very strong arguments in Common Sense, which are supported by his own reason, his sensibility, his common sense and by his ability to draw inference from what has already happened  · In The Common Sense, Thomas Paine argues in favor of the independence of the United States. His argument begins with more general and theoretical reflections about government and religion, and then, proceeds to the specifics of the colonial situation. Paine begins by distinguishing the government of society/5(10)  · Thomas Paine's Common Sense Research Paper Analytical paper on Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Adriana Gonzales Samuel D. Farris HIST March 21, “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ” (Common Sense, 3)

Thomas Paine Common Sense - Free Essay Example |

We will write a custom Essay on A. In the example of the Soviet Union, the communist country with the political basis that was initially based on the Marxist-Lenin philosophy, one can observe that the good intentions that motivated the politicians of the Soviet Russia induced controversial results.

The theory developed by the Italian philosopher, Antonio Gramsci, has a few significant distinctions from the one introduced and practiced by Lenin and his followers. Gramsci has different perspectives on the concepts of hegemony and domination. He also brought in the several concepts that helped to understand hegemony from a more comprehensive and rational point of view. These concepts include the notions of common sense and good sense.

Differences in cultures and knowledge often induce struggles not merely between nations but within a particular society as well. The differences common sense essay the social hierarchy. It common sense essay commonly and undeniably accepted that some classes have a superior social status while common sense essay others have a lower status in the society.

Usually, the superior classes have a political power, and they dominate over the other classes, common sense essay. The domination and leadership of one class over another can be explained in terms of hegemony that was perceived differently by Russian Marxists and Gramsci.

There are distinct opinions on how to perceive hegemony in political philosophy. According to Simon, overall, hegemony can be understood as leadership and the predominance of one society or a part of it over another Simonp. Hegemony is a form of the relations between common sense essay in which one takes a leadership position. Lenin regarded hegemonic forces from a narrow perspective.

According to the Russian Marxists, the working class in the alliance with the peasantry must have become the leading hegemonic social force in the liberation movement Simoncommon sense essay, p. However, Gramsci offered common sense essay more profound and wide perspective on the understanding of the nature of the hegemonic relations in the society.

While Lenin-Marxist followers attempted to draw the attention of the other classes to their own, narrow and specific, working-class interests, Gramsci deduced that the social hegemonic force must take common sense essay consideration the interests and benefits of the vast number of the community members, the whole society, in an ideal. But the Italian philosopher emphasized that it is necessary to include the opposite and diverse parties as the representatives of hegemony and political power to gain and maintain the leading position in the government.

The hegemonic class must combine both its interests with the interest of the other classes, common sense essay.

The wide scope is of significant importance for the hegemonic relations, and it supports the effectiveness of leadership. This is where the concept of the national-popular was introduced by the philosopher. The national-popular character of the relations provokes the better adoption and advancement of socialism.

The ideological and political transformation in consciousness is necessary for the achievement of the hegemonic status as well. Ideology or philosophy can provide the cohesion among the distinct parts of the society. In this concept, Gramsci includes the ideas of common and good sense. Common sense plays an important role in the hegemony process.

Common sense involves ideologies, religions, myths, and beliefs. From the perspective of common sense, the individual perception of the world is determined by the society and nation a person lives in. Gramsci describes the contradictory nature of common sense in his works. He also underlines the totality as a basic feature of common sense. It means that common consciousness of the particular class, or society in general, although consists of the variations and individual expressions, represents a unity and totality in itself Patnaikp, common sense essay.

The numerous relativities are united by the historical, and ideological heritage and comprised in the totality of common sense. For Gramsci, common sense involves the everyday philosophy and perceptions of non-professional intellectuals.

Common common sense essay is average. The unconscious perceptions of the world affect the behavior of people, although they may not even know about it. In this way, common sense essay, the subordinate classes fulfill their subaltern role in the society by unintentionally consenting with the historically established social order, common sense essay.

Common sense thus has a wide political meaning. Comparing to folklore knowledge, common sense essay, common sense implies a particular degree of criticism and reflection upon it by common sense essay who possess it.

When the philosophical and ideological content of the social consciousness is controlled and evaluated intentionally to reveal its core and fundamental components, it is no more a matter of common sense. Gramsci calls the fundamental components of the average consciousness a good sense, and it has a few principal distinctions from common sense. Overall, a concept of good sense can be defined as the regulated and controlled common sense essay of common sense.

The main purpose of good sense is in the creation of the coherence and ideological unity in the social class consciousness, common sense essay. And the mechanism to achieve it is education. Gramsci emphasized their importance for the social masses many times in his works. Every philosophical conception, such as socialism, common sense essay, becomes a faith and has a chance to substitute the traditional religious belief.

However, the extent and efficiency of the substitution of one faith for another can be defined by its capacity to fulfill the multiple demands of the community members. One of the crucial methods provoking the formation of good sense is education. Common sense essay educational process is aimed at the development of social consciousness and awareness.

The good sense is in the understanding of the ideology, its principles, and practices. Good sense is the knowledge that contributes to the consent and the conscious acceptance of the hegemonic relations and the power of the hegemonic class. Both common sense and good sense, conscious and unconscious worldview, are the significant aspects of the human identity.

The distinction between these two by Gramsci contributes to the understanding of the potential ways for the new ideology, and the Marxist philosophy, in particular, to be adopted in the political apparatus and accepted by all the social classes. Good sense and common sense are the integral parts of the hegemony conception. His concept of hegemony is comprised of the aspects, such as good sense, that support the achievement of the political power.

According to Gramsci, leadership is of intellectual and moral character. Common sense implies the unconscious subordination while good sense supports the deliberate consent and compliance with the leadership of the social class.

In common sense, the perception of power is largely connected to the idea of violence, coercion, and constraints. But for Gramsci, the political power of a class can be sustained only by consent of the other classes. The concept of good sense is helpful in this regard because it provides a sufficient degree of consent for the maintenance of the hegemonic relations.

As it was already mentioned, the intellectual reform means the transformation of common sense through the determination of good sense that leads to the development of another consciousness. Moreover, the intellectual reform implies the acceptance of power that is based on rationalization and measurement of the benefits provided by the compliance with this power. In this way, common sense essay, the socialist consciousness can be cultivated through the educational processes, and the Marxist theory can be regarded as the mean for addressing the good sense.

Education serves the organization of culture and adoption of the new values. Based on this, the positive core of common sense could be measured by the standards provided by the Marxist philosophy.

But the right standards and values should also be regarded from the perspective of the national-popular, i. the interests of the society as a whole must be taken into consideration. The education in its widest context is associated with the ethical power and state. The ethical approach towards education is associated with the lack of repression by the government that can be observed in the historical examples of the fascist states.

The cultural transformation along with the political transformation is interrelated with education. Therefore, the cultural transformation induces the change in the political state and relations. The differences between common sense of the distinct social classes create ideological conflicts and struggles. Hegemony is not a once achieved and permanently established state; it is the continuous, dynamic, and delicate process. The determination of good sense assists the efficient movement from the first stage of common sense to more subtle and sophisticated forms of philosophic consciousness and awareness.

The evaluation of good sense and its integration into education supports the hegemonic relationship. The introduction of the concept of good sense and its distinction from common sense is helpful because it explains the opposite perceptions of political power. While common consciousness is understood as inert and passive, common sense essay, good sense common sense essay the critical awareness of consciousness and its content.

In an ideal, good sense implies envisioning of the national-popular values the promotion and the practical development of which inevitably provokes the support of the hegemonic class by the masses. The unequal nature of common sense and good sense are two of the crucial components of the theory of hegemony that are meant to explain the character of the hierarchical relations in the society. The given notions assist the determination of the potential methods of the social transformation through education as well as the universal and ethical approach towards the establishment of power.

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A. Gramsci on Power, Common Sense and Good Sense - Words | Essay Example

common sense essay

 · Thomas Paine's Common Sense Research Paper Analytical paper on Thomas Paine’s Common Sense Adriana Gonzales Samuel D. Farris HIST March 21, “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ” (Common Sense, 3) Thomas Paine -- Common Sense Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense" as an argument for American independence from Great Britain. Paine begins his essay with general reflections concerning government Essay on Common Sense. Words5 Pages. One of the most fundamental people in the push for American Independence, Thomas Paine offers much advice in both Common Sense, and The Crisis. Paine offers very strong arguments in Common Sense, which are supported by his own reason, his sensibility, his common sense and by his ability to draw inference from what has already happened

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