Childhood event essay

Childhood event essay

childhood event essay

28/5/ · Everyone has a special childhood moment that they remember. Like for me, I had a great childhood. All of the things I did were great and most of all fun. My best memory from my childhood was that I got to sing in front of a lot of people A Memorable Childhood Event Essay Childhood is the time most people like best of all. It is a cushy time when no does not need to think of job, money, power because one is little and likes simple things like toys, chocolates and one`s cozy bed. In our previous article, we have spoken upon a serious matter namely child abuse A Memorable Childhood Event Most of my childhood could be described as memorable. My mom and dad were excellent parents and were very involved in my life. My most memorable childhood experience most definitely has to be winning my first golf tournament

A Memorable Childhood Event - Free Essay Example |

Most of my childhood could be described as memorable. My mom and dad were excellent parents and were very involved in my life.

My most memorable childhood experience most definitely has to be winning my first golf tournament, childhood event essay. My dad spent countless hours on the practice range and green with me, playing with me and preparing me for competition at the next level. For many years i spent my summers and childhood event essay school at the golf course.

i would spend hours upon hours on the driving range pounding golf balls trying to perfect my golf swing, childhood event essay. During the summer months my dad would take me to the course early in the morning on his way to work, then in the evenings he would show back up and we would fine tune the things that went wrong during my playing that day. After the range we would go to the putting green and work on my chipping and putting. There no telling how many hours I spent practicing or how many golf balls we hit to achieve that first victory.

My dad was a scratch golfer for a long time. A scratch golfer means you play the course at whatever par, which is different from course to course. We used to play almost every weekend and i would always come up short beating him. Usually not by much and if it was close he would get into my head and talk into hitting a bad shot and messing up on the last hole. Muleshoe Country Cub last hole was a par 3 which played yards with a tee shot that was over water the whole way.

It was by far the childhood event essay hole at the course and was always my enemy when the game was close between me and my dad, childhood event essay.

On this particular day, it was very cold and into the wind. I was beating my dad by one shot going into the finishing hole. I remember or childhood event essay to the tee as clear today as that day.

Knowing that the game was on the line, childhood event essay, i tee the next ball up and having a one stroke lead i basically need to hole this shot. I hit the prettiest shot that day, and when i hit it i knew it was close. I holed it! Just a few months have passed by since the victory over my dad. We play three golf tournaments in district and the lowest team total and the three lowest individual totals go on to regionals.

After two events my team was in first place and i was in fifth place individually. Miserable conditions to play a golf tournament in. Before we start, childhood event essay, my dad tells me to concentrate on hitting the fairways and the greens because its a hard day to score low and par will win.

For me to say that day was magical for me would be a understatement, for the first time in my life i was in total control of the golf ball and my emotions. I shot 36 on the front nine, which was one over par. The magic continues and i shoot a 37 on the back nine. As the tournament officials are postings the days scores form all the players i start to realize the significance of the round of golf i had just posted and that there was a possibility i might win this tournament and qualify for regionals individually too.

The closest score to mine was a 81, and a 8 shot childhood event essay. I had just won my first tournament and qualified first in district and was on my way to regionals not just with the team but individually too. All the hard childhood event essay, sweat and tears had finally pain off not just for me, but for my dad also. I worked extremely hard through out my childhood and teens to be the best golfer i could be.

It took years of dedication and practice and many failures in tournaments for me to finally achieve my first victory. It was all worth it. My happiest childhood memories are with my dad at the golf course either practicing or playing a round of golf. All the hours we spent together practicing, playing he molded me childhood event essay a winner and I am forever great full that he was willing to share it with me.

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A Memorable Childhood Event Essay - Words

childhood event essay

Memorable Childhood Event Essay; Memorable Childhood Event Essay. Words 3 Pages. A Memorable Childhood Event Everyone remembers something from their childhood whether it be bad or good everyone remember something. Most of these memories are good such as meeting your best friend or getting that one toy that you always wanted 15/5/ · My Favorite Memorable Childhood Event Introduction. Childhood memories can be pleasing to anyone on this earth as we commit very interesting mistakes out of Main body. When I had a fight with my parents on a trivial issue as they were not accompanying me on a picnic an idea Conclusion. The Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Words3 Pages My most memorable childhood event was when I was 15 years old. It was the Fourth of July. A big family vacation a barbeque, over night stay and out of town trip to six flags, and I had a blast the night before me, my mom, sisters and brother packed our bags to stay the night over my cousin house in Goodlettsville,Tennessee

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