Alcohol should be illegal essay

Alcohol should be illegal essay

alcohol should be illegal essay

The USA made alcohol illegal in to , and there is some debate on the consequences of this change. Therefore, there is a need for the socio-economic benefits to society to be analysed. Get Help With Your Nursing Essay If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! Alcoholism is a dangerous condition and can lead to significant disruptions to an individual’s life. Studies show clear facts of why alcohol should be illegal. Alcohol use and abuse does not only have a negative impact in the consumer’s life, but in society as well, it causes health issues, and it also can be linked to cause cancer Alcohol should be illegal, because it is a drug that can ruin many lives. Thousands of people have lost love ones due hospitalization and car wrecks. According to NHTSA, 35 percent of all traffic deaths occurred in crashes in which at least one driver or non occupant had a BAC of 0. 08 percent or more and that any alcohol was present in 41 percent of all fatal crashes in Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

Essay Writing on alcohol should be banned - Q4Interview

Alcohol consumption should be banned. Argue for or against the statement. Alcohol is one of the most widely used and abused drugs in the world. It is a legal drug that can be found just about anywhere, restaurants, liquor stores and even in some supermarkets. It is a drug that is used by many, some just to relax, others to party with the intention of getting drunk and those that are addicted and who abuse the drug like no other. Alcohol causes several problems and injures the lives of alcohol should be illegal essay, it is the fifth most dangerous drug in the world being higher than LSD and ecstasy, yet it is a drug that society allows to be used everyday.

Alcohol is a drug, which is classified as a depressant. It is known as alcohol should be illegal essay downer, which means that it actually puts the mind in quite a depressed state. Alcohol is a legal alcohol should be illegal essay, meaning that, it is allowed to be consumed freely with a few laws that prohibit people from driving and consuming it under a certain age.

Yet it is a drug that has been proven to cause the most harm to users and others around them. It is not listed as a class A, B or C drug, alcohol should be illegal essay, yet it is listed as the fifth most harmful drug, being higher on the list than LSD, ecstasy and cannabis. Yet all these three drugs are seen as class A or B drugs, making them highly illegal. Recent studies have shown that the consumption of alcohol is worse to its users and to the people around the users than any other drug.

It has shown that when all factors are taken into consideration, alcohol comes out at the top as the most costly drug towards society and it causes the biggest harm. In a study done by Professor David Nutt, alcohol should be illegal essay, he created a bar graph showing the most harmful drugs to users and the society. When conducting his study he took into account all the harms that the drug creates, alcohol should be illegal essay, including mental and physical damage, addiction, crime and costs to the economy and communities.

His study showed that alcohol was even worse than heroin when all factors were taken into consideration. With all these studies, alcohol has been seen as a very high-risk drug. With all these studies there has been the debate in many countries across the globe as to whether alcohol consumption should be banned completely.

It has been shown that alcohol is one of the leading causes in death amongst young adults, aged between 15 to 25 years of age, in the cases of accidents, homicides and suicides. Statistics in the USA inshow that 6.

In the same study it was shown that out of the 3. A later study in the USA in showed that people had died in car accidents due to alcohol. In the USA alone there are around 1. Worldwide it was shown that in Europe, out of the million people, 23 million of them were dependent on alcohol. Statistics show that alcohol appears to be a very negative drug.

Taken on a worldwide scale alcohol causes more deaths than any illegal drug. But this is not to say that all alcohol consumption is bad. Statistics have shown that wine, in moderation, is actually healthy for a person. Red wine has been proven to actually help the heart and lessen the risk of heart disease. Although this has been seen, alcohol should be illegal essay, doctors still do not encourage people to start drinking as all alcohol can, in the long term effect, cause problems towards health.

Alcohol Consumption Should Be Banned. Agree or Disagree. Accessed May 19, Agree or Disagree," StudyMooseApr Agree or Disagree Categories: Alcohol Alcoholism Health Substance Abuse, alcohol should be illegal essay. Download paper.

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Alcohol Should Not Be Banned Free Essays

alcohol should be illegal essay

The USA made alcohol illegal in to , and there is some debate on the consequences of this change. Therefore, there is a need for the socio-economic benefits to society to be analysed. Get Help With Your Nursing Essay If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! Alcohol should be made illegal once again Alcohol is the worst drug, yet alcohol is the easiest drug to get because it is a legal substance. The usage of alcohol has been a controversial issue through out the American history. Beginning in the 's, alcohol was looked upon as evil, but is currently legal to use The legal drinking age is twenty-one in some parts of the United States. This requirement makes it illegal for any minor to purchase alcohol or even drink it. In some states like Virginia, South Carolina, and South Dakota, the legal drinking age for beer and wine is eighteen, but liquor can not be consumed by a person until they are twenty-one

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